Samurai Jeremy and a Fish Song
Yep, here I am, in all my Japanese glory. Could anybody look less Japanese than I do?!? I don't think matter how hard I tried, I could never pull it off. But at least they let me swing a sword around. Jackie was making fun of me, wanting to buy a sword and an outfit...she was mocking me, until she saw me wearing it, then she laughed even harder. But seriously, she had to admit it was pretty cool. It's my one and only Japanese hobby, since I think I've killed our bonsai trees.
And here's Jackie, eating lunch during a special visit to one of Jeremy's schools.
She's not a big fan of fish, so when she refused to eat it (I could barely choke it down, myself) the kids started singing a fish song, trying to guilt her into eating it (Sakana! Sakana! Sakana!). She politely dumped it back in the serving pot after being instructed to do so by the teacher, so one of the sumo kids could eat it!
And a word to the wise, no, the kids don't think Jackie has a disease. That's what I thought, too, when I got to Japan and the girl in immigration had a SARs mask on. Rather, they wear the masks so THEIR germs don't get on OTHER people! Isn't that polite?!? Creepy looking, but nice. All the kids wear a mask while serving up lunch, so they don't sneeze on their classmates' food.
On a random note, check out this funny video made by a Japanese guy, making fun of the Power's very witty, high-quality stuff!
Click on this link to watch the video:
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