Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Flash Flood!

After a long cold spell, with lots of frozen snow left on the hard, frozen ground, the other day we had a warm-up and lots of rain.

The rain melted the snow, and then all that water proceeded to run right off the hard ground and into the rivers and streams, making for some instant high water! Jackie had to take an alternate route to work, as the Bronx River Parkway turned into an extension of the Bronx River. It was pretty fun to see Canadian geese (dirty, dirty birds) swimming in the middle of the fast lane. Sorry, didn't have my camera with me.

Here is the creek on our campus, a few days before the rain; very tranquil, very modest.Here's the creek after the rain. At one point, it looked like it might come over the road I'm standing on. Needless to say, we were rooting for it.
Fun, fun, fun! Oh, the raging fury! The unstoppable destruction! PURE, UNADULTERATED TERROR!!

It's a Boy!

At least, that's what the ultrasound clearly indicated! Everything's looking really good with the pregnancy...healthy mama, healthy baby. What more could we ask for?

Here are a couple profile shots; even the most amateur should be able to make these out:And let's see if you can guess what this is...it's my favorite picture by far:
Yeah, that's right, he's actually flipping us off. He's like, "If you think I'm ever coming outta here, guess again, suckas." Oh, I can't wait to spank him...what a bad baby. He's NAUGHTY. I'm gonna be like Homer, chokin' the life outta Bart.
Jeremy: "Why you little..."
Baby: "ach..ch...ch...guh...ach..."

I thought about putting up the picture of his "man-gear," but I hated it when my parents did that kind of stuff to me (retrospectively, of course, as I was usually more than happy to run around naked at the time), so I'll cut the kid a break.

On a more serious note...
We're exactly mid-way through the pregnancy, 20 weeks (4.5 months). I guess the little guy weighs just under a pound. Sorry, I don't want to do the math for what that would be in kilos.

His name will be Nathanael Harrison Bergstrom. Due: July 12.

We're very pleased, and very grateful.

Thanks for reading!