Friday, August 24, 2007

It's GRE time

Sorry, but posting will be a little slow on here for a few weeks, because I'm preparing to take the GRE (a big test Americans have to take to get into graduate school). I've been lucky thus far, in that neither of my schools have required it. But I can't go any farther without it, and finally have to take it.

I'll be testing on August 31, as well as sometime in September to see if I can't improve my score before I send out applications this Fall for PhD studies.

I'll be applying to Notre Dame, Duke and Emory -- all fine schools, but there are a number of factors that make Notre Dame the first choice. That being said, I'll be happy to go wherever, because not only is Notre Dame very competitive (accepting 12 or so students per year), the other schools are fine choices as well. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens.

Thanks for reading!

ok,'s a baby pic to hold you over, because I know that's all anybody cares about now, anyway.


At 10:07 AM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

I'll talk to my homies at ND and get you in, no problem. Yeah right. But I do hope you guys come here!!!

At 11:30 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Hey guys! Got your birth announcement today. So cute! I can honestly tell you, Jeremy, that if I'd never seen a picture of Jackie, I could totally see you in Nathanael's face. Not sure if that's encouraging enough for you or not. ;P

At 9:36 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Okay, GRE time should be over by now, right? We need pictures!

At 5:48 PM , Blogger James Heneghan said...

What happened with the GRE?

At 11:42 PM , Blogger Shannon said...

A little slow for a few weeks? It's been a few MONTHS! C'mon! We want baby pictures! ;0)


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