Saturday, June 30, 2007

By the way...

I did indeed buy that bottle of wine. One of my friends was at some expensive French restaurant in Manhattan with his wife for their anniversary the other day, and saw a bottle from that particular winery on their wine list. It was their most expensive Cabernet, at $120 per bottle! Ours is a Pinot Noir, but sure to be good! I'm going to open it when my parents come to visit the baby, and we can toast the extension of the family line for yet another generation.

New Jackie baby-belly pics are coming soon. Only two weeks to go!


At 3:00 AM , Blogger Khara Brooks said... Enjoy! But save some for Jackie!

At 7:55 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Sounds like fun! Try not to get Mom and Dad trashed, though. At least wait till Thanksgiving when I'll be there to see it :)


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