Friday, July 06, 2007

At Long Last

Here we are, one week to go! Though it must be said, we've had three different due dates given to us, anything from July 12 to July 17. We think it'll be a bit later, and today the doctor said he thinks Jackie might be a "slow-cooker," meaning she could be a little late, and maybe he also meant she might have a long labor? He told us she's having a "model pregnancy," so I'm just glad everything's super healthy. We've known many folk who haven't been as fortunate, suffering through complications and premature deliveries. My heart goes out to them!

So, here are the pics everyone's been bothering me to see. Sorry I haven't been faithful at getting these up more often! One little note, she's not fond of "fake" camera-smiling...she's actually much happier than she looks in these photos! Such serious expressions...but I guess having a baby can be a very serious matter as well, can't it?

This one was taken a few days ago. She doesn't look 38+ weeks, does she? I thought this one was particularly good. Notice, the little quote bubble on her shirt says, "Hey Mom!"These two were taken yesterday. Looking at her head-on, you almost don't notice she's pregnant...she's carrying in a very narrow way. But when she swings her cargo around, it's obvious this one's carrying a full load!
Thanks for your interest! All the support we've been getting has been very encouraging. We feel loved, by family and friends alike, from all over the globe!

Thanks for reading!


At 8:29 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

She is just gorgeous! Pregnant definite agrees with her. I'll bet she's getting pretty uncomfy though. Ah well. Not too much longer!

At 9:27 AM , Blogger Shannon said...

You're radiant Jackie! Can't wait to see what happens in the next couple of weeks!

At 11:38 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Is it time? Is it time???

At 1:55 PM , Blogger Jeremy said... patient!!! "Are we there yet?!?" Whatever!! He's busy getting fat.

At 4:05 PM , Blogger Curtis & Becky said...

You look great Jackie, I think you two put a basketball under your shirt!

At 3:54 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Not fat. Full of baby. Meany. ;)

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Oh oops! I thought you said SHE was busy getting fat. Yes, the baby can be fat. Fat babies are cute. LOL.

At 7:45 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Oh of these days!!!

At 11:26 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Well, let's just be glad you didn't say it the way I thought originally, or I think you'd be a pretty unhappy hubby. :)

At 11:33 PM , Blogger Lady Nunn said...

you keep that baby put as long as possible!! :) :) saying that... still can't wait to see the new bub! email me your address when you get a sec so we can send a welcome to the world somethin-somethin. :)

At 12:00 AM , Blogger Indy Tribe said...

Hang in there. Going late sucks but healthy is the bomb!! Keep us updated.

At 10:11 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

So, today's the latter due date. Any news?!


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