Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Will it be tomorrow (Wed)?

So, as my friend Khara pointed out, today (Tues) was the last of our potential due dates. Baby needs to come out!

As of the Dr's appointment on Monday, she was 90% effaced...that's a 40% improvement from the previous appointment on Friday. She's probably 100% by this point. But as of the last appointment, still only 1 cm.

Any other progress, you ask? Well, tonight she's been saying there are more contractions than the usual little ones ...more often, and slightly more strong. We had her drink a castor oil cocktail earlier this evening around 8:30 ...hopefully that will get everything moving.

We're getting excited! Hopefully that castor oil will kick in by morning, and we'll have all sorts of movement, if you know what I mean!! And then, it's baby time!

For now, we're getting excited, as there seems to be the right sort of activity.

I'll try to keep posting with a few updates. We're gonna go to bed, and hope for an eventful morning.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support and encouragement!


At 3:54 AM , Blogger J said...

Wow! Good luck with everything! Keep us posted. :)

At 7:24 PM , Blogger Indy Tribe said...

Where's that baby?!?!?!?!? Must see Bergstrom BABY!!!!

At 3:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the baby really wants you to come to the baseball game with me on Saturday. Surely a Yanks fan...
Best to the three of ya!


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