Thursday, July 19, 2007

Or how about today?

Who knows. But there has been a little progress... more contractions, some back pain, and a few other signs of a more, um, "personal" nature.

We're thinking not much longer now before labor kicks in, in earnest. We'll keep you posted.


At 6:03 PM , Blogger Indy Tribe said...


At 9:06 PM , Blogger Jeremy said...

Alas, no baby. Yet.

I'm going to stop posting suggestive entries!! When labor is in full swing, I'll make another post.

Who knew waiting for a baby could be so boring? But the Dr did tell us he'd induce by Sunday or Monday if nothing happens before then.

I'll be sure to let you all know!

And again, thanks for all the loving support!

At 10:37 PM , Blogger Sarah said...

Our patience is wearing thin, little Nate.....come on already!

At 9:46 AM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Ugh. Misery. I hope Jackie is able to rest in the meantime. Please keep us posted!

At 3:17 PM , Blogger Corey, Kelle, and Jack Franklin said...

Good luck! I hope everything goes well and that he arrives soon - waiting is hard!

At 11:48 PM , Blogger Khara Brooks said...

Suspense! Killing! Come on! What, you're too good for blogging now that you're a dad?! Pshah!

Okay, okay. Just kidding. Assuming that you're at the hospital, just get some rest and update soon!!! With pics!

At 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Tuesday. Does that mean there is a baby?????

Daughter of JB the Elder

At 7:49 PM , Blogger James Heneghan said...

Well? There must be something by now!! Come on!!


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