Sunday, April 11, 2010

Durham Itself

Here are the promised pics of Durham. We had a nice snow back in January, and I'm just now getting around to posting.

Here's where we attend church, St Oswald's.

Here's the Market Square. Here you can see St Nic's and the old mayor's hall.
Looking South towards the Cathedral, with the Market at my back.
Looking towards the Market from the West.
Elvet bridge, on the East side of town.
East end of the Cathedral.
Castle gate. The castle is essentially a giant dorm for lucky undergrads.
Here's where I study, in the little white cottage with the green shutters. The large building on the right is a private house. The cathedral is just to the left, casting its shadow on the other buildings. the building on the far left is the Theology Dept.
Here's the old castle keep. The gate you saw above is just to the left. Going past the building to the right leads down to the Market.
Here's the Theology Dept, in the shadow of the cathedral.
Looking down the Bailey, just south of the cathedral. The snow has covered over all the cobbles.
Looking up the street, opposite end as the picture above.
My view walking into town every morning. That would be the castle, just North of the cathedral.
Across the river from the cathedral, looking South towards the old mill.
Here's a nice one of the Cathedral:
I've not included any pictures of the building where we live because, quite simply, it's very boring and modern. On the bright side, we've recently been granted a 3-bedroom flat. Hooray! We'll move in sometime this summer, most likely.

Things are still going well, just awaiting Baby boy #2! He was due a week ago today, and will hopefully come sooner than later. I'm sure the next post will be pics of him (her?).

Thanks for reading!


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