Friday, August 24, 2007

It's GRE time

Sorry, but posting will be a little slow on here for a few weeks, because I'm preparing to take the GRE (a big test Americans have to take to get into graduate school). I've been lucky thus far, in that neither of my schools have required it. But I can't go any farther without it, and finally have to take it.

I'll be testing on August 31, as well as sometime in September to see if I can't improve my score before I send out applications this Fall for PhD studies.

I'll be applying to Notre Dame, Duke and Emory -- all fine schools, but there are a number of factors that make Notre Dame the first choice. That being said, I'll be happy to go wherever, because not only is Notre Dame very competitive (accepting 12 or so students per year), the other schools are fine choices as well. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens.

Thanks for reading!

ok,'s a baby pic to hold you over, because I know that's all anybody cares about now, anyway.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This Just In!

I'm going to call the contest... Jackie won, by a long shot, something like 10-5, counting verbal votes from around here. But I must say, I'm happy to have gotten at least 5! I do think as he gets a little older, he'll start to resemble me a bit, but I think he'll always take after his mom a little more. And also, let it be known that I will always hold a special place in my heart for those who rallied to my side in the face of adversity!! Finally, a big thanks to all those who voted, and for all those who tried and couldn't figure out how to post a vote. We had a good turnout, from at least 4 countries and 3 continents. Not bad!

Today was baby's 3-week birthday...he's going to be 30 before I know it!

Here are a few pictures from the last week:

This is Aunt Liz (Jackie's sister), giving Nate-dog his first you can see, he didn't have too much of a problem taking it.
"Do you promise you won't let me slip under?"
"You're gonna scrub where?!?"
Did I get lucky with this shot, or what?
"Oi there, what did I tell you about that flash?!?"
Sleepy silky baby bliss.
Two sisters and a baby. I know, the baby's hard to see... maybe we shouldn't have put him in camouflage!! Ha-ha!! Wha-ka wha-ka wha-ka... ("Fozzie the Bear" style laugh)
Our family! I like this picture of me and Jackie, but I'm still trying to figure out what Nathanael's doing. Smiling? Filling his diaper? Your guess is as good as mine.
Jackie doesn't always smile well for the camera, so I decided to lick her ear to loosen her up a bit. Do ya think it worked? Eh, What can I say, I have a way wit' tha ladyz. Notice, baby's takin' notes so he can get some mad skillz like his old man.
Just kickin' it, Bigfoot-style.
He's changing every day. His face is getting fatter, he's smiling (I think once in awhile it's more than just a reflex), his eyes are focusing on things, etc. He gets fussy at times, but it's only for about an hour a day total, so we still feel pretty fortunate. And most important of all, he lets us sleep at night. He wakes up to eat, then goes right back to sleep. We can't believe it! But he does hate his car seat. You'd think we were cutting his liver out, I swear. But other than that, pretty happy baby! Oh, and Jackie's healing up nicely. She was having trouble with a pinched nerve making her right leg numb, but that's all but cleared up. She's totally sick of breastfeeding at times, but is handling it very well. Seeing how the baby in a week put on a full pound after her milk started coming in (from 7lbs 8oz at hospital discharge to 8lbs 8oz), and judging by the look of his cheeks, it looks like he's been getting exactly what he needs. What a wonderful thing the human body is! Other than that and a little "cabin fever", life is good.

Thanks for caring, thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Gene-Pool World Poll

Hello friends and family, the world over! Let's play a little game...

It's similar to American Idol (or UK Idol or Canadian Idol or whatever), where YOU get to determine the winner. All you have to do is vote!

Help us decide which parent's baby picture looks more like Nathanael.

Here I am, at about 1 month:
Here's Nathanael earlier this evening after a bath, just under 2 weeks old, wearing a giant diaper (we graduated him to size 1, perhaps prematurely!):

Here's Jackie, newborn:In the interest of ever-increasing fairness and balance, here's Nathanael's hospital portrait (added August 8th):What do you think? Does he look like me? Does he look like Jackie? Does he look like the mailman? YOU decide!! Just leave your vote in the comment section, and I'll tally them up. For those of you who are more skilled, impatient and have extra time on your hands, you can do the math yourself as the voting progresses!

Let's play... (drum roll...) GENE-POOL WORLD POLL!!! (applause)

Don't worry, more crazy baby pictures will be posted soon.

Thanks for playing, and thanks for reading!

NOTE: I must admit, I stacked the deck heavily in my favor by posting my picture first, and by putting up very similar baby poses for me and the baby. I think I'm going to need all the help I can get in this one! But rest assured, notes in my favor will be remembered fondly!

UPDATE: So far the contest is very close: 5-4, advantage Jackie. Note the addition of the hospital portrait, to allow a better comparison to Jackie's posted pic. Can't say I haven't been forthcoming!